Mike's Free Software List

This is a list of Windows applications that are free and for the most part are replacements for very expensive commercial applications. I use most of these all though there are a few that I have not yet tried but want to in the future.

Program Free Version
Microsoft Office OppenOffice.org
Adobe Acrobat Pro PDF Creator
Adobe Photoshop GIMP
Adobe Illustrator Inkscape
Norton or McAfee Antivirus AVG Anti-Virus
Internet Explorer Firefox
Media Player VLC Player
E-mail Client Thunderbird
WinRAR or WinZip 7-Zip
FTP Client Filezilla
3D Graphics Creation Blender
Panda 3D
3D Astonomy Celestia
Audio Recording Audacity
Web Page Editor (ala Dreamweaver) Amaya HTML-Kit Kompozer